Thursday, April 8, 2010

Greed & Waste

Sitting in his lazy-boy chair reclined in front of the television is the nastiest fat guy I have ever encountered. His name is Markus. Markus is a thirty-three year old waste of space here on our planet. Just last week Markus bought all the ice cream off an ice cream truck, leaving none for all the children in line behind him. Markus is so greedy. Then to make it worse, he left the ice cream in the back of his car, letting it all melt. So wasteful. Markus is the product of a very rich man and a very rich woman, who died tragically in a car accident. They left all they had to Markus. With no parents around, Markus did whatever he pleased, even as a child. Now his bad habits are here to stay. Markus leaves the lights on in every room, the water running in the sink, he goes on long drives to no where and speeds the entire time. Markus is the most waste full person I have ever met. When his parents passed Markus stopped donating to all charitable funds as well as quit investing completely. the large estate Markus inherited has not been up kept in years, allowing weeks to take over where flowers once grew. Litter was scattered across the lawn. After every use of a new piece of clothing Markus throws the clothes away at night... sometimes changing multiple times a day. When Markus passes poor beggars on the street he scoffs at them, never sharing any of his wealth. Markus will certainly die alone in his large mansion with all the lights and water still on and running and all of his money sitting in accounts all going to waste- while he dies his usual greedy, wasteful, selfish self.


  1. I like how you told a very specific story to help explain your arguement why greed and waste are negative things. I would have never thought to use a story such as yours to help explain, it was very entertaining. Along with the entertainment came also a factual arguement. I agree Markus is truely a waste of space and his greed will result in him dying alone

  2. This was very depicting, I saw a fat man with a stained shirt as I was reading this, amazing! People like this deserve to be miserable, I am sorry to say that. It is OK to eat, but he should share and be conscientious of those who do not have as much as he does.

  3. I see him, too. (But I don't want to...)
