Thursday, February 25, 2010


Viola is speaking to Olivia when she almost gives herself away by saying, "Then think you right. I am not what I am." and Olivia completely misses the point when she says, "I would you were as I would have you be." in Act three Scene one lines 148 and 149. Viola is trying to convince Olivia that she is not in love with the person she thinks she is in love with, because she is not what she has claimed she is. She is hinting that Olivia does not know the real her, which is true considering she is a woman. Viola is so blinded by love that she does not catch the clue and continues to profess her love to Viola explaining that she wants her no matter who she is. Readers should pay attention to this quote because this is the point in the play when we realize that everything is nothing and nothing is what it seems to be. Everything needs to return to normal in Illyria and in this scene because if it does not then the whole bit is in shambles and will be ruined if Viola's character is outed by Olivia's pressing love for her.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

FFW II.v.143-145

Malvolio has found the letter that the maid Maria has planted for him when he says, "...and yet to crush it a little, it would bow to me..." and is trying to figure out who the letter was meant for. By saying he could crush it a little, he means switch around the letters to fit into his name, meaning that the letter was for him. To crush something is to be harsh to it, and force it do what he wants it to. This would be the kind of leader Malvolio would be on Olivia's court because he would be a very controlling leader just like he wants to control what the letter says. It would "bow" to him because it would be saying what he wants it to say. M.O.A.I are the four letters that Maria wrote on the letter, that Malvolio is trying to rearrange into his name. Of course since it is a trick the letters are supposed to yield the result Malvolio is trying to force out of it... however, not from the right writer.

FFW II.ii.25

In Shakespeare's Twelfth Night Viola speaks in a monologue where she discusses her belief that the character Olivia is falling in love with her. "I am the man." (II.ii.25) Viola's statement is attributed to the lunacy of the play because ironically she is not the man, nor is she any man because she is actually a woman. Her secret identity as a male servant to Duke Orsino has charmed Viola completely on accident. I think she is almost fightened by this because if Olivia continues to persue Cesario, Viola's cover could be blown. At the same time Viola is empowered by it because now she controls the situation, and she can be certain Olivia will not return Orsino's love. This means Olivia is falling in love with a dream of some sort because Cesario does not actually exist. Illyria is a delirious place with delirious ideas and beliefs because while Viola is in love with Orsino, Orsino is currently having Viola try and win the hand of Olivia for him. This love triangle is growing out of hand! In the same monologue as this quote Viola goes on to describe why she believes Olivia is falling for her. She says that Olivia does not speak much around her and her eyes basically say it all for her. When someone has a crush in real life, their eyes do much of the talking while he or she might remain some what speechless around the person. Viola has a problem because if Olivia finds out she is a female, it will blow her cover.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paper One reflection..

For me, writing the small object/large subject essay was relatively easy. In America's society today there are tons of small objects that lead to much larger subjects to question about how and why our society values things the way we do. Most of the smaller materialistic objects symbolize larger issues and problematic ideals that people at large believe to be true and important. So much of our world today is shallow and for lack of a nicer term- stupid. I guess ignorant is a better term. Ignorant of other cultures and that larger problems than being a size 0 or having a little frizz exist today. Writing this paper was easy for me to relate to the subject because even though i feel aware of these issues, I continue to give in to the stereo types America has for young women. As much as women want to portray a strong bold personality, she still has to look good on the outside for that to work. We submit to standards set by other people in order to be successful. We are obsessed with shiny exteriors covering up broken and dull interiors. Okay... maybe I was a little harsh, maybe I was in a bad mood that day, maybe we aren't exactly broken and dull on the inside, but some of us definitely are!

Inkshedding quote

Maria: "Sport royal, I warrant you. i know my physic wil work with him. I will plant you two, and let the fool make a third, where he shall find the letter; observe his construction of it. For this night, to bed, and dream on the event. Farewell."

Maria is speaking to Sir Andrew and Sir Toby about their plan to embarrass and shame Malvolio. She explains part of her plan to fool Malvolio into thinking the letter she leads him to find is from Olivia, and tells Sir Andrew and Sir Toby where they will hide while the plan takes place. They are to hide so that they may witness his reaction to the letter as he reads it. She is setting up her plan to eliminate Malvolio so that he will no longer control Olivias estate or try and win her heart.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Help me out Shakespeare

My six unanswered questions:
1. How did Orsino fall in love with Olivia?
2. How did her brother die?
3. What does the reference to Arion mean?
4. Who is Viola revealing herslef to and why does she want to wait?
5. Why does Sir Toby want Sir Andrew to woo the maid?
6. When Sir Toby was talking up Sir Andrew to Maria was he lying about the languages ect.? Because now he complains of being dumb, and of his ugly hair.

Friday, February 5, 2010


In order to avoid a paper covered in red correction ink, my revision process includes a few different steps. First, after I write a paper, I put it away. After working hard on the writing process, my eyes need a break from the sentences I that have already reworked about five or six times. Then when I bring it back out, I move entire paragraphs around and put everything in order. I insert words and change phrases to make sure things flow easily from the readers eyes to the readers mind with out speed bumps. To describe my revision process I would say I am a pediatrician. Because I fix the whole paper, but I make sure I am nice to my paper, which hopefully doesn't need much fixing.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Taking Wildness in Hand

I am by no means a nature loving, hike taking, camping kind of girl- but Michelle Nijhuis, writer of Taking Wildness in Hand: Rescuing Species, had me sympathizing with the nearly extinct tree, Torreya taxifolia. As Americans, we take things like our wild life, plants included, for granted. I bet no one even noticed that the tree that used to flourish and grow large and strong has been stunted in growth and in numbers. At Torreya State Park in Florida Connie Barlow, a naturalist and a writer, took the time to notice the dying species. It is important that the inevitable forth coming of global climate change be recognized immediately, and steps need to be taken to protect species of plants and animals alike that can not handle or live in the new climate as it slowly changes. "Conservationists, in response, have offered more ambitious versions of familiar strategies. Bigger nature reserves. More protected corridors for wildlife migration and movement." These changes that are being made are not enough. That is why the idea of "assisted migration" has become more and more a likely solution for some of the declining species. Assisted migration would involve replanting the tree in a more suitable climate for its growth. The move would be risky and questionable as to how it might survive. "‘Look, we need to start thinking about transplanting organisms around these barriers of agricultural land or urban land, and getting them to the next possible suitable habitat as the climate changes,’ " Barlow stood up for the idea after being shot down by scientists. Something drastic needs to happen to help encourage growth of these trees, and Barlow is helping that change.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Virtual Iraq

Men are falling all around, your friends are dropping like flies, your own finger pulls the trigger of your gun murdering your enemy all in front of your eyes. No amount of preperation or training prepares you for the violent effects of what a war may do to the human psyche. “Bullets were exploding like firecrackers all around us.” Soldier "Travis Boyd" recalls the danger surrounding him in battle. P.T.S.D. (post traumatic stress disorder) is a serious mental disorder that affects war veterans upon their return home. As Americans we recognize the hard transition from soldier to civilian. The soldiers having trouble adjusting are assigned to jobs to help calm them down and help them regain their mental state. "It was a quiet, undemanding job, intended to allow him to decompress from combat." Boyd was assigned to a fluff job of folding towels and doing laundry to help him. The affects of war continuously messed with Boyd's head. Therapy alone did not help return his sanity, so another approach was suggested. Boyd agreed to play a "virtual Iraq" video game to help him work through his issues. Video games are apart of our culture and they come naturally to those who play them as children. Maybe acting out the combat in Iraq will give soldiers an outlet where they can be understood. Who knows?