Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mark Twain- & His Advice

Advice on writing. Definitely not my area of expertise, however Mark Twain came up with some pretty good stuff. Mark Twain encouraged short and meaningful language, as opposed to letting adjectives ruin the content. Twain would agree with Dr. Lay's favorite saying, "I would have written a shorter paper, had I had more time." Twain claims that useless adjectives may become a bad habit that could eventually be harder to break then starting out without the improper use of them in the first place. Too many adjectives make the important adjectives lose their meaning. It almost takes away from the UMPH that comes with an extra descriptive word. In blogging it is important to use adjectives to make your writing interesting, however if you are trying to get your point across it won't be as strong if your overusing adjectives.
Sometimes it may take me the entire page to explain what I could probably explain in one good sentence. Mark Twain advises that we don't waste an entire paper on what could be much shorter. He encourages looking for a more purposeful words so that you can use fewer. Don't waste time with meaningless sentences using meaningless words that are meaningless to your readers. I do this all the time. I definitely waste paper in my papers for school every time I am told to watch a 30 second clip and write a four page paper on it. Why do teachers do that? It completely ruins the writing, and is a complete waste of my academic time.
Reread, rework, edit, and do it again. When your paper is finished- redo it. Mark Twain says, "You need not expect to get your book right the first time." The process of editing and rewriting is invaluable to perfecting the perfect paper. Dr. Lay was just talking in class about her doctoral thesis- which she barely recognized the day she went to present it to the board. It has to be THAT good... you have to work that hard and change it that many times because no one expects perfection on a rough draft. These concepts don't always apply to blogging, at least not to mine. My blog is going to be my place to write about the topics we are given. My thoughts, and my ideas, displayed the way I want them to look.

I still want my blog to be about my thoughts, and ideas, and how I want it to look- but i lied. These concept completely apply to my entire blog. I have edited almost every single post I have posted, some more than once since I have written this. Even though this is mostly opinion and reflective writing, you can still edit and rewrite: for creativity, precision, and clarity. Clarity being the most important; without clarity, there is no point in writing to your reader.

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