Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Concordance questions!

1. Thematic strand-
Body, lips, eyes, neck, nose, hands, ears, legs, feet
2a. Where does the data appear?
Shakespeare uses imagery of body parts throughout the entire play. I found that Act 1, Act 2, and Act 5 have body parts being mentioned mulitple times within each of the acts.
2b. In what context?
In the begininning of the play Shakespeare uses body parts to express feelings towards a person. He expresses beauty and lust with in the characters by talking about lips, eyes, and necks. The imagery he uses brings beauty to mind, and with beauty it brings love because we are lead to believe it is pure and true beauty. Towards the end we find that the superficial and shallow beauty of the body is false and untrue. Original thoughts of how we were lead to feel about the characters and their feelings towards eachother have all been rearranged and turned upside down. The darkness stands for the coming out of the truth.
3. Obsessive use of the data retrieved?
Shakespeare's obsession of the human body is portrayed through my data because the redundance of the descriptions of body parts brings imagery to mind to help you feel the way Shakespeare wants you to feel towards each character.
4. Media presentation! The link is on the last post!


  1. From what I've read about Shakespeare, he was very sexual (a lot of his plays have dirty meanings)- so it would make sense that he uses body parts a lot of times to convey meaning of love to the readers. I think you're right to say that he "expresses beauty and lust with in the characters by talking about lips, eyes, and necks. The imagery he uses brings beauty to mind, and with beauty it brings love..." We love with our eyes first, before we love with our hearts.

  2. I found your thematic strand to be really interesting because I wouldn't even think of this one from reading the play. You definitely bring about a good idea. I agree with you that when one reads the beginning of the play they believe Shakespeare is describing true beauty when he mentions various body parts such as the neck or lips. But when you really think about it that isn't what true beauty is all about. The beauty he begins to describe is shallow and fake. There is more to beauty then just a person's appearance.

  3. I have to admit, after seeing your media project I was a little confused on exactly what your thematic strand was. Although, these answers to the questions on your concordance have made it make alot more sense to me and understand its underlying meaning. The use of body parts is so interesting, I cant wait to hear more :)
